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Terms and Conditions
Assistance is provided only as a convenience to end users.
The user agrees that actions and solutions implemented by the Baxter I.T. support engineer are entirely at the user’s own risk. Remote support is provided without warranties of any kind. Baxter I.T. or its employees will not be liable for any direct, indirect, or other damages, loss, cost or liability whatsoever that result from, or are related to the remote help session provided.
During the remote session keep in mind:
- You can end the session at any time
- You retain full control of your PC at all times during the remote help session
- You should remain at your PC for the duration of the remote help session
- The nature of the problem and solution(s) may depend on your system and other variables unknown to the support engineer
New Customers:
Call us or fill out our New Customer Form for a conversation about your technology needs.
New Customer Form

Need Antivirus Software?
Baxter I.T. has antivirus partnerships which means better pricing for your business.
Learn MoreLooking for Premium Services?
Baxter I.T. Premium Support ensures organizations networks run at our optimum standards while providing the highest level of support for mission critical applications
- 24 X 7 Technical Support
- Priority Response Time
- Dedicated Support Team
- Priority Level Agreement

Whatever your device, We’ve got you covered

Virus Removal